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Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Sealants for Extra-Protecton

Protecting our teeth is what helps us keep them for a lifetime. This is why we brush, floss, and see our dentist regularly. This is also why Dr. Eric M Meyer provides dental sealants to his patients in our Fullerton, CA dental practice. Sealants help block food and debris from the grooves of the molars and protect them from bacteria build-up.

Sealants are great for adult teeth in children between the ages of six and fourteen, in what is known as the cavity-prone years. Sealants are also great for adults who have not had any cavities or fillings in the past. Baby teeth that have deep grooves also benefit from sealant protection, as healthy baby teeth are important for the spacing of adult teeth.

Sealants are placed after the tooth is cleaned. An acid solution is placed onto the tooth where the sealant is to be placed. The acid roughens up the surface of the tooth which creates a stronger bond for the sealant. The teeth are rinsed and dried before the sealant is placed. The plastic material is then painted into the grooves of the molar and allowed to harden. The teeth are now protected for up to ten years. If additional protection is needed, the sealants may be reapplied.

Sealants protect vulnerable teeth from decay when a toothbrush may not reach the area. To find out if sealants may be right for you or someone you know, schedule a consultation at our Fullerton, CA office by calling Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS or visiting our website, www.fullertondental.com

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