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Wednesday, August 31, 2016

How Smoking Affects Dental Implants

It isn’t news that smoking is bad for your health. However, did you know that smoking can also affect the success of a dental implant? Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA wants to inform his patients of the effects smoking has on oral health and why it can mean trouble for implants.

Smoking physically changes the gum tissues in your mouth and the blood vessels surrounding them. The top layer of skin cells in the gums develops a condition called keratosis, which is the thickening of the tissues. The salivary glands within these tissues become blocked off and damaged, which creates dry mouth. The superficial blood vessels in the mouth begin to constrict, so they do not supply enough blood to the area. These effects create problems with healing, immune strength, and bacteria. When there is decreased blood flow, the area can take longer to heal after implant surgery. In addition, a dry mouth promotes gum disease. Over time, these issues will cause more bone loss in the jawbone around an implant, increasing the risk of the implant falling out.

It is never to wrong time to quit smoking or better yet, never start. To learn more about dental implants, contact our Fullerton, CA office or set up an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS by calling (714) 879-7943. Appointments may also be requested through our website, www.fullertondental.com

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