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Wednesday, September 16, 2015

How to Beat Bad Breath

Bad breath can ruin a moment, cause embarrassment, and unpleasant interactions. It is time to take control of that bad breath! Dr. Eric M Meyer, D.D.S. in our Fullerton, CA dental practice wants to inform our patients of what to look out for and what to do when bad breath makes an appearance.

Bad breath can come around every now and then or it can be chronic. It is helpful to know what is causing your bad breath. Oftentimes, it is bacteria that cause the foul odors.

To eliminate bad-breath-causing bacteria, brushing and flossing your teeth regularly is important. Also be sure to brush your tongue and the roof of your mouth. Bacteria thrive when the mouth dries out, so when using mouthwash, it helps to use one that does not have alcohol in it. Also try to avoid alcoholic and caffeinated drinks. For a caffeine kick, green tea actually deodorizes some of the bacteria causing the bad breath.

When bad breath is caused from potent food like onions or garlic, there are tricks for eating and drinking that may help out. Try eating fruit or veggies that are high in properties that fight the onion and garlic breath. Some of these include apples, peaches, spinach, and potatoes. Also try chewing mint or parsley leaves. As mentioned before green tea may help. Milk and cranberries may help, as well.

When bad breath is getting you down, remember these simple reminders! To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, D.D.S., call us at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website, www.fullertondental.com

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