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Monday, July 23, 2018

Rheumatoid Arthritis and Gum Disease

People with autoimmune disorders need to be especially careful about maintaining their oral health. At the Fullerton dental office of Dr. Eric Meyer, we want our patients to understand their challenges as much as possible, which is why this week’s blog post is dedicated to the connection between gum disease and rheumatoid arthritis.

People with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) experience inflammation in their joints as a result of the body’s immune system turning on a part of the joint called the synovium. The disease also harms the eyes, blood vessels, salivary glands, and, according to new research, the gums. Severe periodontal disease is six times as common in people with RA as in the general population. RA is believed to be largely caused by genetic factors, and scientists have determined that gum tissue has similar DNA and cellular mechanisms in common with synovium.

That periodontal disease is common even in people whose RA is in its early stage implies that the problem isn’t just caused by difficulty holding a toothbrush. However, people with RA should consider electric toothbrushes and other devices which make oral hygiene easier, as well as artificial saliva to compensate for damage to the salivary glands. People with RA still benefit from maintaining regular dental cleanings, and we have an experienced periodontal team dedicated to helping patients with RA.

Eric M. Meyer, DDS, operates at 2720 North Harbor Blvd, Fullerton, California, 92835. To schedule an appointment, call 714-879-7943 or visit Fullerton Dental and fill out a contact sheet.


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