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Saturday, March 24, 2018

Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Wisdom teeth usually erupt during the ages of 17-22 but the thing is that they don’t always erupt. When wisdom teeth are impacted, the patient may notice symptoms developing over time, which worsen as the wisdom teeth continue to develop. Impacted wisdom teeth lie below the gum line and don’t have room to grow in the mouth. When a patient has impacted wisdom teeth, Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS will likely suggest extraction.  

Extracting wisdom teeth does more good than harm. This is because they really don’t serve any purpose in the mouth. Extraction is recommended to avoid throbbing pain in the back of the mouth, swelling around the jaw, tender gums, and/or headaches. Impacted wisdom teeth can cause damage to surrounding teeth, forcing them out of place, and also increase a patient’s risk of developing an infection. If you still have your wisdom teeth intact, and they are causing you discomfort, discuss extraction with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS.

If you have questions or concerns regarding wisdom teeth or wisdom teeth extraction, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton CA, call 714-879-7943.

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