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Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Back to School Cleaning

As children go back to school, too many of them will be troubled by tooth aches. The consequences of untreated tooth decay can be devastating for a child’s academic achievement and social development, as well as their health, which is why there’s no better time than now to schedule an appointment with Dr. Meyer’s office.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s most recent study showed that 20% of preteens and 13% of teens have untreated dental decay. Children are the age group most likely to get caries, and decay can delay their speech development and cause them to lose sleep and avoid eating, making them fatigued, irritable, and unable to concentrate. As decay progresses, it causes the gums to become inflamed and bleed and can spread to the pulp of the tooth, at which point it would require a root canal to remove.

Biannual check-ups are intended to help us catch decay before it progresses enough to cause major problems. The less decay is present, the less intrusive a restorative technique is necessary. Dr. Meyer and his associates can also use the check-up as an opportunity to provide the child with sealants, making their teeth more resistant to decay throughout the academic year.

Eric M. Meyer, DDS, operates at 2720 North Harbor Blvd, Fullerton, California, 92835. To schedule an appointment, call 714-879-7943 or visit FullertonDental.com and fill out a contact sheet.


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