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Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Sugar and Your Smile

There’s a sweet tooth that lies in most of us, but it can lead us down a dangerous road if we don’t take care of our teeth. Too much sugar can lead to tooth decay, but few are aware of how it happens. Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS would like to explain the chain of events that occur after you reach for that extra piece of cake or that sugary beverage that you’ve been craving.

Your teeth are frequently under attack by acid and bacteria, but there are good bacteria and bad. Harmful oral bacteria feed on the sugars you eat to create acids that destroy the tooth enamel through a process called demineralization. This process occurs when a patient indulges in soda, energy drinks, and starchy snacks. Fortunately, the natural process of remineralization replaces the good minerals to strengthen your teeth all over again. Fluoride is your friend in this case because it not only prevents tooth decay, but it can reverse it in the early stages. Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS can discuss fluoride treatment with you and as always he encourages you to brush at least twice a day and floss once a day to keep your smile healthy.

If you have concerns about your oral hygiene, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton CA, call 714-879-7943.

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