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Friday, August 12, 2016

Bone Grafting for Dental Implants

When time has allowed jawbone to degenerate, it can become tough for a dental implant to be placed successfully. As we lose teeth, the jawbone will degenerate over time. Here in our Fullerton, CA dental office, Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS can perform bone grafting to restore that jawbone and allow a dental implant to be placed.

It is common to not have enough bone for an implant. Maybe you were born with a small ridge or maybe your bone has degenerated after the loss of a tooth. When the jawbone is too small, a dental implant often cannot be placed. Or, if it can be placed, it is not big enough to let the implant stay for very long. Dental implants are supposed to have the ability to stay in place for a lifetime, so bone grafting is a popular procedure to give back patients the ability to have dental implants.

A bone graft consists of taking bone from another area and moving it to the area it’s needed in. The bone usually comes from an area in the jaw or another part of the body like the shin and is packed into the space it is needed. Over several months, the grafted bone will also promote bone growth. The grafted bone and original bone will grow together and create enough jawbone to place dental implants.

Bone grafting makes dental implants possible for those who have too small of a jawbone. To schedule a consultation with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, call our Fullerton, CA office at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website, www.fullertondental.com

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