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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Make Sure You Are Brushing For Two Minutes!

To get a good cleaning, you should be spending about two minutes brushing your teeth. However, many patients only spend a few seconds. Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA wants to ensure his patients are taking excellent home oral care. Take some tips for making sure you are spending enough time brushing!

When brushing, you need to make sure you hit all the surfaces of the teeth including the insides, the fronts, the chewing surfaces, and the backs of the back molars. In addition, you should be brushing the roof of your mouth, your tongue, and the insides of your cheeks. These are places where bacteria can collect and make dental plaque worse.

Many music players have counters on them, so turn on your favorite tune and rock out while you brush! Just look for the two-minute mark. Another great way is to set up an hour glass, or in this case, a minute glass. You just need to turn it over a second time for the full two minutes.

Splitting the mouth into four sections is also a good way to break up the minutes and get an even brushing. Spend thirty seconds on the upper-right section, thirty seconds on the upper-left section, and so on for the two lower sections.

Good dental care will lead to good dental checkups. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA, call our office at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website, www.fullertondental.com

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