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Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Show Off Your Smile!

At the dental practice of Dr. Eric M Meyer DDS, we always want you to be ready to smile for the camera. If you need a confidence boost because your smile looks a little lackluster, we offer a variety of teeth whitening services to help your pearly whites shine bright. However, if there is any reason you can’t go the cosmetic route at this moment, we thought we’d share these tips that will help you show off the photogenic smile you already have.

  • Be natural – when it’s picture time, smile gently. That way, your face looks relaxed. Your mouth opens slightly, and your lower lip matches the curve of your upper teeth.

  • Check your teeth and gums – getting your smile camera-ready sometimes calls for a little behind the scenes prep work. If your pearly whites have yellowed with age, try an over-the-counter whitening product or pay us a visit! Also, don’t forget about taking care of your gums. They play a critical role in your nice smile. So keep them in good shape by brushing, flossing, and rinsing with a mouthwash every day.

  • Practice – your perfect smile may not happen overnight, but if you have a big photo event like a wedding or a graduation coming up, it doesn’t hurt to try out your grin in front of the mirror!

If you wish to improve the appearance of your smile, please give us a call. To learn about our services we provide at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS in Fullerton, CA, call 714-879-7943.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Teeth Types and Functions

Teeth talk is popular at the dental practice of Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS. In fact, our staff takes pride in educating you about keeping your teeth healthy on a regular basis. Since we’re already on the topic of teeth, have you ever wondered why all of your choppers are shaped differently? That’s because you have different types that all serve a different purpose. Your teeth look different from one another because they are designed to do different things. Not only do they help you speak, but how else would you be able to swallow your food?  Read on to learn about the different types of teeth and their functions!

  • Incisors – located at the front of the mouth, these teeth have a sharp biting surface and are used for cutting or shearing food into small chewable pieces.

  • Canines – located at the ‘corners’ of the dental arches, these teeth have a sharp pointed biting surface. Their function is to grip and tear food.

  • Premolars – Unlike incisors and canines, these teeth have a flat biting surface. Their function is to tear and crush food.

  • Molars – The molars are the largest teeth in the mouth and they too have a large flat biting surface. The function of these is perhaps the strongest of all as they chew, crush, and grind food.

If you have questions about your pearly whites, please give us a call. To learn about our services we provide at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS in Fullerton, CA, call 714-879-7943.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Make Sure You Are Brushing For Two Minutes!

To get a good cleaning, you should be spending about two minutes brushing your teeth. However, many patients only spend a few seconds. Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA wants to ensure his patients are taking excellent home oral care. Take some tips for making sure you are spending enough time brushing!

When brushing, you need to make sure you hit all the surfaces of the teeth including the insides, the fronts, the chewing surfaces, and the backs of the back molars. In addition, you should be brushing the roof of your mouth, your tongue, and the insides of your cheeks. These are places where bacteria can collect and make dental plaque worse.

Many music players have counters on them, so turn on your favorite tune and rock out while you brush! Just look for the two-minute mark. Another great way is to set up an hour glass, or in this case, a minute glass. You just need to turn it over a second time for the full two minutes.

Splitting the mouth into four sections is also a good way to break up the minutes and get an even brushing. Spend thirty seconds on the upper-right section, thirty seconds on the upper-left section, and so on for the two lower sections.

Good dental care will lead to good dental checkups. To schedule your appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA, call our office at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website, www.fullertondental.com