Issues and complications with oral piercings can begin immediately after the piercing procedure. These can include swelling, infection, and discomfort. Oral piercings may look cool, but they can sometimes do more harm than good. Though Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS doesn’t want to hinder you from self-expression, he wants to explain the possible consequences that are associated with oral piercings.
Your mouth is full of bacteria and whether or not these bacteria decide to cooperate with a new piercing depends on the patient. For instance, if your body rejects an oral piercing such as a tongue ring, your tongue could swell so much that it blocks your airway. In some cases, the jewelry alone could crack or chip a tooth. It’s important to remove jewelry as it becomes a problem. If you notice signs or symptoms of an oral infection, contact us immediately to discuss your treatment options.
If you have questions or concerns about oral piercings and how they affect your oral health, please give us a call. To learn more about the services provided at the practice, visit for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton CA, call 714-879-7943.