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Friday, November 27, 2015

Pregnancy and Your Oral Health

Control of oral diseases in pregnant women has the potential to reduce the transmission of oral bacteria from mothers to their children, which is why maintaining healthy teeth and gums is especially important during this time. At Fullerton Dental, it’s important to visit us during pregnancy for checkups and cleanings, along with brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning between your teeth once a day.

Women are more likely to develop gingivitis during pregnancy. Gingivitis is an infection of the gums that can cause swelling and tenderness. Left untreated, gingivitis can affect the supporting tissues that hold your teeth in place. Sometimes lumps may even develop along the gum line and between teeth. These swellings are harmless, but bleed easily and are characterized by a red surface. Although these growths are typically called “pregnancy tumors,” they are not cancerous and usually go away on their own after pregnancy. If you are pregnant, or suspect you are pregnant, it’s important to talk to your dentist about any concerns you may have about your dental treatment.

If you are an expectant mother, please notify us before your next appointment. For more information about oral health, as well as services provided at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton, CA, call 714-879-7943.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Foods That Promote Healthy Teeth

Regular brushing and flossing help keep teeth healthy by getting rid of sugars and food particles that team up with bacteria to form plaque. However, to prevent cavities and maintain good oral health, what you eat and how often you eat are important factors. At Fullerton Dental, we love to see you at our office, but we care about you and encourage you to eat these fortifying foods for your teeth.

Cheese lovers can rejoice, because research studies have proven that eating cheese raises the pH level in the mouth and lowers the risk of tooth decay. Cheese also contains calcium and protein nutrients that strengthen tooth enamel. Other phosphorus foods that are thought to protect tooth enamel by providing the calcium and phosphorus needed to remineralize teeth include, chicken, nuts, and milk. Other food choices include firm/crunchy fruits (apples and pears) and vegetables (carrots and celery). These foods have a high water content, which dilutes the effects of the sugars they contain, and stimulate the flow of saliva which helps protect against decay by washing away food particles and acid.

For more information about oral health, as well as services provided at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton, CA, call 714-879-7943.

Thursday, November 12, 2015

How Invisalign Moves Teeth

At Fullerton Dental, Dr. Eric M Meyer wants you to have the healthiest smile achievably possible, and sometimes that may require straightening your teeth. Unlike traditional braces, the Invisalign straightening method includes no irritating brackets in the mouth; however, they do have attachments known as “bumps.” These bumps assist the aligners in moving the teeth to where they need to be once the treatment plan is completed.

These “bumps” are small tooth-colored dots of dental bonding (white filling material) that are placed on specific locations on specific teeth. They may be rectangular, square, circular, or triangular in shape. The shape and orientation of a button is dictated by the purpose it serves, such as tooth rotation, translation, intrusion or extrusion.

These attachments assist with the process, as well as how they’re placed and what they look like. As you wear each set of aligners, your teeth gently and gradually begin to shift into place. Approximately every two weeks, you will begin wearing a new set of aligners, discreetly advancing you to the next stage of your treatment.

If you are searching to straighten your smile, give us a call to discuss your orthodontic treatment options. For more information about Invisalign, as well as services provided at the practice, visit www.fullertondental.com for more information. To schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS, in Fullerton, CA, call 714-879-7943. 

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Kids Oral Care

Baby teeth, while they eventually fall out, are vital to a child. It is important to take care of them from when they first appear to when they fall out. Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS of Fullerton, CA wants to remind parents of how and when to take care of children’s oral health.

Kids should start seeing the dentist as soon as their first tooth appears, or by the age of one if they have not grown in their first tooth by then. Baby teeth are like place markers for permanent teeth, so it is important to keep them healthy as long as they are present. Baby teeth should be brushed with a pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste. Fluoride is what keeps cavities away. This is especially important during the cavity-prone years. The cavity-prone years happen between the ages of six and fourteen. During this time, Dr. Meyer may want to apply sealants to their molars for extra protection.

Teeth should be flossed as soon as two of them touch. Cavities are actually more likely to occur between teeth, so this is an important step to remember. Plus, flossing your child’s teeth will set them up for leading their own healthy lifestyle.

Limit thumb-sucking and pacifiers. These actually disrupt the proper place and growth of baby and adult teeth. One last tip for kids who like to always have something to drink: fill their cup with water instead of milk or juice all the time. This will limit the amount of sugar that their teeth are exposed to.

To schedule your child’s dental appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, DDS in our Fullerton, CA practice, call our office at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website, www.fullertondental.com