Your at-home dental care is very important in keeping a healthy mouth. While you have probably been brushing your teeth your whole life, did you know that choosing the right toothbrush may increase the quality of your brushing? Dr. Eric M Meyer, D.D.S. of Fullerton, CA is here to remind our patients of how to choose a toothbrush that works the best for you.
While in the toothbrush aisle, there are many different options for toothbrushes that all promise different things. Here are the important things you should be looking for:
A small head: A small toothbrush head allows you to move the toothbrush around to all surfaces in the mouth. You can reach those far-back places easier.
Good grip: Along with a small head, good grip on the toothbrush is important. A slippery and hard-to-hold handle will make it harder to maneuver the brush around your mouth.
Medium bristles: If bristles are too stiff, they can wear down the enamel on your teeth and irritate your gums. Choose a toothbrush that is labeled with medium bristles. Choose soft bristles if recommended by your dentist.
Electric or manual: When it comes to the differences between manual toothbrushes and electric toothbrushes, they both provide the same cleaning job. However, for those who have trouble using their hands, an electric toothbrush may help them get a better cleaning because it does most of the work.
For questions about oral care or to schedule your next cleaning, call our Fullerton, CA office to schedule an appointment with Dr. Eric M Meyer, D.D.S. at (714) 879-7943 or visit our website,